Living Out the Text: What should we do?
When the crowd hears Peter's message on the day of Pentecost, they are so moved that they begin crying out, "What should we do?" This is a question that we all have to answer. What are we going to do with the message of Jesus. No matter where we are on our spiritual journey, if we haven't really started, if we are new to following Jesus, or if we have been following him for years, we all need to come back to this question. What are we going to do with Jesus? There is no more important, no more impactful, no more life changing question than this. It doesn't just impact our eternal destiny, it should also impact every aspect of our daily lives. Take a few minutes to prayerfully ponder this question. What are you going to do with Jesus?
David Dalton
When the crowd hears Peter's message on the day of Pentecost, they are so moved that they begin crying out, "What should we do?" This is a question that we all have to answer. What are we going to do with the message of Jesus. No matter where we are on our spiritual journey, if we haven't really started, if we are new to following Jesus, or if we have been following him for years, we all need to come back to this question. What are we going to do with Jesus? There is no more important, no more impactful, no more life changing question than this. It doesn't just impact our eternal destiny, it should also impact every aspect of our daily lives. Take a few minutes to prayerfully ponder this question. What are you going to do with Jesus?
David Dalton
Spiritual Practices: Breath Prayer
As Peter finishes his sermon, the crowd began to ask, "What should we do?" This is the appropriate response when we come face to face with the truth about Jesus. It is all together appropriate to ask what we should do, how we should respond. Peter tells the crowd to repent and be baptized. The same answer still works today. In light of all that Jesus has done for us, it makes sense for us to offer our lives to him. That is what this breath prayer is about.
Lord Jesus Christ, I give my life to you.
David Dalton
As Peter finishes his sermon, the crowd began to ask, "What should we do?" This is the appropriate response when we come face to face with the truth about Jesus. It is all together appropriate to ask what we should do, how we should respond. Peter tells the crowd to repent and be baptized. The same answer still works today. In light of all that Jesus has done for us, it makes sense for us to offer our lives to him. That is what this breath prayer is about.
Lord Jesus Christ, I give my life to you.
David Dalton