Passage Introduction
In this section of Ephesians chapter five, Paul is using the metaphor of light and dark to contrast how we should live as Jesus followers. He calls us to live in the light and avoid the works of darkness. As you read through this passage, reflect on what the metaphor of light and dark reveals about the works for righteousness (following the pattern and the instructions of Jesus), and unrighteousness (ignoring God's will and going our own way). Consider your habits, patterns, and actions. In which ways are you living in the light and in which ways are you living in darkness.
David Dalton
In this section of Ephesians chapter five, Paul is using the metaphor of light and dark to contrast how we should live as Jesus followers. He calls us to live in the light and avoid the works of darkness. As you read through this passage, reflect on what the metaphor of light and dark reveals about the works for righteousness (following the pattern and the instructions of Jesus), and unrighteousness (ignoring God's will and going our own way). Consider your habits, patterns, and actions. In which ways are you living in the light and in which ways are you living in darkness.
David Dalton
Spiritual Practices: Keyword Listing
Keyword listing is a method of observational Bible study. It doesn’t require any special skills, tools, or training. You can read more about the process of keyword listing here. You can choose any word or short phrase to study using keyword listing. For this passage, we suggest the following keyword(s) to start your study.
Starting Points
Keyword listing is a method of observational Bible study. It doesn’t require any special skills, tools, or training. You can read more about the process of keyword listing here. You can choose any word or short phrase to study using keyword listing. For this passage, we suggest the following keyword(s) to start your study.
Starting Points
- Light - compare and contrast what Paul says about light versus darkness
- Darkness - compare and contrast what Paul says about light versus darkness
Prayer Response
Abba Father, we desire to life as you would have us live, we desire to walk in light rather than in darkness, but sometimes we can't tell the way. Sometimes are are deluded so that we cannot tell the difference. Sometimes we convince ourselves that good is evil and evil is good. Abba Father, open our eyes to know what is pleasing to you and what is not. Teach us to choose what is right, to walk as children of the light, and to reject the works of darkness. Jesus, light of the world, shine on us and guide us in your ways. Amen.
David Dalton
Abba Father, we desire to life as you would have us live, we desire to walk in light rather than in darkness, but sometimes we can't tell the way. Sometimes are are deluded so that we cannot tell the difference. Sometimes we convince ourselves that good is evil and evil is good. Abba Father, open our eyes to know what is pleasing to you and what is not. Teach us to choose what is right, to walk as children of the light, and to reject the works of darkness. Jesus, light of the world, shine on us and guide us in your ways. Amen.
David Dalton