The Holy Mount of Varallo Sesia
The Holy Mount of Varallo Sesia, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved February 25, 2022]. Original source:
Spiritual Practices: Breath Prayer
Moses had spent an extended period of time on the mountain in the presence of God. He didn't realize it, but the presence of God had changed him; his face shown with the reflection of God's glory. The people recognized that he had been with God. A similar thing happened with the disciples. In Acts 4, the Peter and John where arrested for preaching about Jesus. The next day they were brought before the rules of the people and Peter again preaches about Jesus. The rules and elders were astonished at the boldness of Peter and John and recognized that they had been with Jesus. When we spend time with Jesus, it change should change us.
With Moses, and later with Peter and John, we see how they were marked by the presence of God. In Moses' case it was physical, in Peter and John's case it was not physical, but it was no less recognizable. It should be our hope that when people look at our lives, they see the mark of God. That is what this breath prayer is about.
Oh Lord God, may your presence mark my life
Moses had spent an extended period of time on the mountain in the presence of God. He didn't realize it, but the presence of God had changed him; his face shown with the reflection of God's glory. The people recognized that he had been with God. A similar thing happened with the disciples. In Acts 4, the Peter and John where arrested for preaching about Jesus. The next day they were brought before the rules of the people and Peter again preaches about Jesus. The rules and elders were astonished at the boldness of Peter and John and recognized that they had been with Jesus. When we spend time with Jesus, it change should change us.
With Moses, and later with Peter and John, we see how they were marked by the presence of God. In Moses' case it was physical, in Peter and John's case it was not physical, but it was no less recognizable. It should be our hope that when people look at our lives, they see the mark of God. That is what this breath prayer is about.
Oh Lord God, may your presence mark my life