Jesus raises Lazarus to life
JESUS MAFA. Jesus raises Lazarus to life, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved March 26, 2023]. Original source: (contact page:
The Raising of Lazarus
Bondone, Giotto di, 1266?-1337. The Raising of Lazarus, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved March 26, 2023]. Original source:
Beseeching the breath of the divine one,
His life-giving breath,
His breath of old age,
His breath of waters,
His breath of seeds,
His breath of riches,
His breath of fecundity,
His breath of power,
His breath of good fortune,
Asking for his breath
And into my warm body drawing his breath,
I add to your breath
that happily you may always live.
Zuni Chant
His life-giving breath,
His breath of old age,
His breath of waters,
His breath of seeds,
His breath of riches,
His breath of fecundity,
His breath of power,
His breath of good fortune,
Asking for his breath
And into my warm body drawing his breath,
I add to your breath
that happily you may always live.
Zuni Chant
Imaging the Word, Volume 2
Spiritual Practices: Imagining the Text
Sometimes passages in the Bible need to be observed and absorbed with awe and wonder instead of analyzed, dissected, and categorized. Read the passage over in its entirety a few times. As you do, imagine that you are a participant in the scene. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Sometimes passages in the Bible need to be observed and absorbed with awe and wonder instead of analyzed, dissected, and categorized. Read the passage over in its entirety a few times. As you do, imagine that you are a participant in the scene. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
- Imagine that you in the place of Mary or Martha and it is your brother who is sick and then dies. What would you be thinking and/or feeling as you go through this story?
- Imagine that you are Lazarus. What would you be going through in this story?
- Imagine that you one of Jesus's disciples. Would you be confused when he chose to stay instead of going to Bethany right away? What would you be thinking at Jesus stood at the door of Lazarus' grave and called for him to come forth?