Spiritual Practices: Breath Prayer
In this passage, Luke tells us about Jesus calling his first disciples, including Simon (who will soon be called Peter), James, and John. These men had all been disciples of John the Baptist previously. They had heard about Jesus and have now experienced him face to face. Peter is overwhelmed at what he has experienced. He and the others immediately leave everything to follow Jesus.
We sometimes become complacent with Jesus. We aren't amazed by him the way that we were before. We forget the wonder of who he really is, what he has said, and what he has done. Like Peter and the other first disciples, we need to see Jesus with fresh and new eyes. Like the first disciples, when we encounter who Jesus really is, we should want to leave everything behind and follow him. That is what this breath prayer is about.
Lord Jesus Christ, I want to follow you.
In this passage, Luke tells us about Jesus calling his first disciples, including Simon (who will soon be called Peter), James, and John. These men had all been disciples of John the Baptist previously. They had heard about Jesus and have now experienced him face to face. Peter is overwhelmed at what he has experienced. He and the others immediately leave everything to follow Jesus.
We sometimes become complacent with Jesus. We aren't amazed by him the way that we were before. We forget the wonder of who he really is, what he has said, and what he has done. Like Peter and the other first disciples, we need to see Jesus with fresh and new eyes. Like the first disciples, when we encounter who Jesus really is, we should want to leave everything behind and follow him. That is what this breath prayer is about.
Lord Jesus Christ, I want to follow you.
Exploring the Text: A fresh start
Have you ever had a bad day at work? Of course, we all have. Sometimes it feels like you would accomplish more by just going home and starting over the next day. That is where these fishermen, later turned disciples, were. They had fished all night and caught nothing. They were washing up their nets, and calling it a day (or night as it was in this case). They were ready to go home when Jesus appeared on the scene.
Jesus climbed into Peter’s boat and asked him to pull out a little way so that Jesus could teach the crowds that were on the shore. After Jesus finished teaching, He asked Peter to go out further into the water for a draw. We can tell that Peter was a bit frustrated, because verse 5 tells us that he explained to Jesus that they had already fished all night and caught nothing. But, we also see Peter’s obedience because he also says, “Nevertheless” (KJV) or “But at your Word I will let down the nets.”
What happened next was hard to imagine. They caught so many fish that their nets were breaking, so they had to call their partners (James and John) to bring their boat over. By the time the scene was over, both boats were so full of fish that they were about to sink. Jesus had performed a miracle. This simple act of obedience had resulted in a huge harvest.
Obviously, this was a great physical miracle. Perhaps the greater miracle here though, was that these men believed in who Jesus is. After all, they had witnessed Him first hand. They were so taken back by the miracle that had happened, that Peter knelt before Jesus and told Him to depart for he (Peter) was a “sinful man” (verse 8). He realized that there truly was something special about Jesus.
Jesus used this miracle of catching fish to teach an even bigger principle. These guys were to become “fishers of men.” Their job titles changed that day. Instead of being fishermen, they became disciples of Christ. Little did they know what all this would entail. They went on to become the three that made up Jesus’s inner circle. Peter himself would preach the salvation message on the day of Pentecost where 3,000 were saved. Verse 11 says that they left everything in order to follow Jesus. What a life changing day!
How does this story apply to you today? Have you met Jesus in a miraculous way the way that these gentlemen did? Would you be obedient to Him in the little things like Peter was in verse 5? Will you acknowledge Him as Lord as Peter did in verse 8? Are you willing to win souls for Jesus like these “Fishers of Men“ did? Are you willing to leave everything else behind in order to follow Him?
If your answer is yes to the above questions, then get ready for the ride of your life. Jesus can use you in extraordinary ways. Today can be your life changing day!!
Rick Heinrich
Have you ever had a bad day at work? Of course, we all have. Sometimes it feels like you would accomplish more by just going home and starting over the next day. That is where these fishermen, later turned disciples, were. They had fished all night and caught nothing. They were washing up their nets, and calling it a day (or night as it was in this case). They were ready to go home when Jesus appeared on the scene.
Jesus climbed into Peter’s boat and asked him to pull out a little way so that Jesus could teach the crowds that were on the shore. After Jesus finished teaching, He asked Peter to go out further into the water for a draw. We can tell that Peter was a bit frustrated, because verse 5 tells us that he explained to Jesus that they had already fished all night and caught nothing. But, we also see Peter’s obedience because he also says, “Nevertheless” (KJV) or “But at your Word I will let down the nets.”
What happened next was hard to imagine. They caught so many fish that their nets were breaking, so they had to call their partners (James and John) to bring their boat over. By the time the scene was over, both boats were so full of fish that they were about to sink. Jesus had performed a miracle. This simple act of obedience had resulted in a huge harvest.
Obviously, this was a great physical miracle. Perhaps the greater miracle here though, was that these men believed in who Jesus is. After all, they had witnessed Him first hand. They were so taken back by the miracle that had happened, that Peter knelt before Jesus and told Him to depart for he (Peter) was a “sinful man” (verse 8). He realized that there truly was something special about Jesus.
Jesus used this miracle of catching fish to teach an even bigger principle. These guys were to become “fishers of men.” Their job titles changed that day. Instead of being fishermen, they became disciples of Christ. Little did they know what all this would entail. They went on to become the three that made up Jesus’s inner circle. Peter himself would preach the salvation message on the day of Pentecost where 3,000 were saved. Verse 11 says that they left everything in order to follow Jesus. What a life changing day!
How does this story apply to you today? Have you met Jesus in a miraculous way the way that these gentlemen did? Would you be obedient to Him in the little things like Peter was in verse 5? Will you acknowledge Him as Lord as Peter did in verse 8? Are you willing to win souls for Jesus like these “Fishers of Men“ did? Are you willing to leave everything else behind in order to follow Him?
If your answer is yes to the above questions, then get ready for the ride of your life. Jesus can use you in extraordinary ways. Today can be your life changing day!!
Rick Heinrich