Exploring the Text: Getting the command right
As we read Jesus' last command to his followers before he left, we sometimes put the emphasis on the wrong thing. As we read this in English, it seems like Jesus is telling his disciples to go. In Greek, the imperative, the command, is not to go, but rather to make disciples. A literal translation could be, "As you are going about your daily live, doing the things that you are already doing, in every area and activity of your life, make disciples." He is telling his disciples, and us, that are highest priority should be to make disciples, or to share him, in every area and activity of our lives. We can and should put Jesus in the middle of raising children, going to work, going to school, hanging out with friends, doing chores, running errands, playing on the Internet and social media, and anything and everything else we might find to do. This is Jesus' command, to make disciples in every area of our lives. How can you begin to point people to Jesus in everything that you do?
David Dalton
As we read Jesus' last command to his followers before he left, we sometimes put the emphasis on the wrong thing. As we read this in English, it seems like Jesus is telling his disciples to go. In Greek, the imperative, the command, is not to go, but rather to make disciples. A literal translation could be, "As you are going about your daily live, doing the things that you are already doing, in every area and activity of your life, make disciples." He is telling his disciples, and us, that are highest priority should be to make disciples, or to share him, in every area and activity of our lives. We can and should put Jesus in the middle of raising children, going to work, going to school, hanging out with friends, doing chores, running errands, playing on the Internet and social media, and anything and everything else we might find to do. This is Jesus' command, to make disciples in every area of our lives. How can you begin to point people to Jesus in everything that you do?
David Dalton
Exploring the Text: Jesus' promise
In the previous section we looked at Jesus command for us. Notice that the great commission is surrounded by two other thoughts. Jesus starts by saying that all authority, all power, in both heaven and earth has been given to him. This is the basis for the great commission. We are sent to share the good news about Jesus in every aspect of our lives because he has all authority and power. The ending is even more hopeful, however. Jesus tells his followers, and us, that he will be with us always. Knowing that God is all powerful in heaven is great. Knowing that Jesus is all powerful and with us forever is even better. We don't need to be fear any event or circumstance, we don't need to fear any failure or disappointment, we don't need to be afraid of anything, because Jesus is always with us not matter what. That doesn't mean that things will always be easy, but it does mean that he never leaves us alone. After all, he promised that he will be with us, even until the end of days.
David Dalton
In the previous section we looked at Jesus command for us. Notice that the great commission is surrounded by two other thoughts. Jesus starts by saying that all authority, all power, in both heaven and earth has been given to him. This is the basis for the great commission. We are sent to share the good news about Jesus in every aspect of our lives because he has all authority and power. The ending is even more hopeful, however. Jesus tells his followers, and us, that he will be with us always. Knowing that God is all powerful in heaven is great. Knowing that Jesus is all powerful and with us forever is even better. We don't need to be fear any event or circumstance, we don't need to fear any failure or disappointment, we don't need to be afraid of anything, because Jesus is always with us not matter what. That doesn't mean that things will always be easy, but it does mean that he never leaves us alone. After all, he promised that he will be with us, even until the end of days.
David Dalton