Spiritual Practices: Breath Prayer
I verse 17 of this passage, Paul tells us that we should imitate him an other good examples of what it means to follow Jesus. This is not the only time he suggests this. In 1 Corinthians 11, he tells the Jesus followers in the city of Corinth to follow him as he follows Christ. We have a tendency to follow the patterns of others whether we intend to or not. Paul is telling us that we should choose good examples. examples that will help us grow in Christlikeness. This is part of why following Jesus is something that God intends us to do together, not in isolation. We learn from each other, challenge each other, encourage each other, and pray for each other.
In the subsequent verses, Paul warns against people who would make bad examples. His warning reminds us of the importance of choosing good examples to learn from. Sometimes we need to evaluate the people that we let influence us and determine if they are an example that will lead us into Christlikeness or not. That is what this breath prayer is about.
Lord Jesus Christ, show me good examples to follow
I verse 17 of this passage, Paul tells us that we should imitate him an other good examples of what it means to follow Jesus. This is not the only time he suggests this. In 1 Corinthians 11, he tells the Jesus followers in the city of Corinth to follow him as he follows Christ. We have a tendency to follow the patterns of others whether we intend to or not. Paul is telling us that we should choose good examples. examples that will help us grow in Christlikeness. This is part of why following Jesus is something that God intends us to do together, not in isolation. We learn from each other, challenge each other, encourage each other, and pray for each other.
In the subsequent verses, Paul warns against people who would make bad examples. His warning reminds us of the importance of choosing good examples to learn from. Sometimes we need to evaluate the people that we let influence us and determine if they are an example that will lead us into Christlikeness or not. That is what this breath prayer is about.
Lord Jesus Christ, show me good examples to follow
Exploring the Text: Stand firm in the Lord
Coronavirus, mask mandates, vaccination debates, race wars, bug infestations, natural disasters, supply shortages, inflation, election tampering, capital sieges, rumors of war, and now war itself. These are the headlines of the last couple of years. If you are like me, you probably feel overwhelmed. It feels as though our world is spinning out of control.
What is our response to all of this? How should a Christian deal with everything going on in the world? These are questions many are asking today.
This passage sums it up for us. Paul says for us to be dear followers of him. In other words we are to follow Paul as he followed Christ. He shares that he has made us aware of the people in the world (and sometimes in the church) who follow after their own ways. We certainly see those people today, however our focus is not on them or on the things of this world. Verse twenty explains that we are citizens of Heaven and that we are waiting on Jesus to take us there. Jesus will transform us. The things of this world will no longer hold us captive.
Philippians 4:1 says to therefore, stand in the Lord. That is our answer. We live in a crazy world and unfortunately there are atrocities all around us. We are to stand firm in Christ. If we continue to do that, we will be bringing others to Christ along with us, and leading a life full of love and forgiveness. Our focus should be on Christ, for He will sustain us through it all. One day we will rest in His eternal presence in His Kingdom.
Rick Heinrich
Coronavirus, mask mandates, vaccination debates, race wars, bug infestations, natural disasters, supply shortages, inflation, election tampering, capital sieges, rumors of war, and now war itself. These are the headlines of the last couple of years. If you are like me, you probably feel overwhelmed. It feels as though our world is spinning out of control.
What is our response to all of this? How should a Christian deal with everything going on in the world? These are questions many are asking today.
This passage sums it up for us. Paul says for us to be dear followers of him. In other words we are to follow Paul as he followed Christ. He shares that he has made us aware of the people in the world (and sometimes in the church) who follow after their own ways. We certainly see those people today, however our focus is not on them or on the things of this world. Verse twenty explains that we are citizens of Heaven and that we are waiting on Jesus to take us there. Jesus will transform us. The things of this world will no longer hold us captive.
Philippians 4:1 says to therefore, stand in the Lord. That is our answer. We live in a crazy world and unfortunately there are atrocities all around us. We are to stand firm in Christ. If we continue to do that, we will be bringing others to Christ along with us, and leading a life full of love and forgiveness. Our focus should be on Christ, for He will sustain us through it all. One day we will rest in His eternal presence in His Kingdom.
Rick Heinrich