Spiritual Practices: Singing Praise
In the first six verses of Psalm 98, the psalmist encourages us to sing, to make music, and to make a joyful noise in celebrating our God. Many people find great comfort and encouragement in singing praises to God. It helps shift our focus away from our challenges and onto our God who carries us through them.
Make a time and a place where you can celebrate God in song. You don't have to be a great vocalist or play a musical instrument. If you are self conscious, get away from everyone else for awhile; maybe find a quiet place to park your car where you can be away from everyone else. Put on some music, maybe one of your favorite bands or maybe the playlist from this week or a previous week. Join in with the music and celebrate the goodness of God in song.
In the first six verses of Psalm 98, the psalmist encourages us to sing, to make music, and to make a joyful noise in celebrating our God. Many people find great comfort and encouragement in singing praises to God. It helps shift our focus away from our challenges and onto our God who carries us through them.
Make a time and a place where you can celebrate God in song. You don't have to be a great vocalist or play a musical instrument. If you are self conscious, get away from everyone else for awhile; maybe find a quiet place to park your car where you can be away from everyone else. Put on some music, maybe one of your favorite bands or maybe the playlist from this week or a previous week. Join in with the music and celebrate the goodness of God in song.
Spiritual Practices: Listening to nature praise God
In the last three verses of Psalm 98, the psalmist reflects on nature praising God. He says that the seas roar, the rivers clap their hands, and the hills sing for joy together. Obviously he is using some poetic language here, but the emphasis is that all of nature celebrates and praises God simply by being what he had it to be and doing what he made it to do. Even when we don't feel like praising God, all of creation never stops proclaiming his goodness. Take some time this week to get out in nature and listen to it's song.
Go for a walk or a drive out in nature. Find a quiet place to stop and drink in the sounds, sights, and smells of the world around you. Think about how each thing you hear, see, and sense finds its source in God. Notice how, if we take time to pay attention to it, all creation reflects God's goodness and sings his praise.
In the last three verses of Psalm 98, the psalmist reflects on nature praising God. He says that the seas roar, the rivers clap their hands, and the hills sing for joy together. Obviously he is using some poetic language here, but the emphasis is that all of nature celebrates and praises God simply by being what he had it to be and doing what he made it to do. Even when we don't feel like praising God, all of creation never stops proclaiming his goodness. Take some time this week to get out in nature and listen to it's song.
Go for a walk or a drive out in nature. Find a quiet place to stop and drink in the sounds, sights, and smells of the world around you. Think about how each thing you hear, see, and sense finds its source in God. Notice how, if we take time to pay attention to it, all creation reflects God's goodness and sings his praise.