Visio Divina is an ancient Christian prayer practice. In Visio Divina, we choose an image or a scene and we reflect on it prayerfully listening to see what God may say to us through the image. We start by selecting the image or scene that we want to prayerfully consider. Let your eye wander of the image or scene, sometimes focusing on a specific area or detail and other times wandering over the image, Try to set aside all distractions and focus on the image. Relax, breathe deeply, and take your time. Ask God what he wants to say to you. Consider what you are seeing. How does it make you feel? What does this image or scene stir up in you? What do you feel God may be trying to say to you through it? Take some time and prayerfully respond to God about what is saying to you.
David Dalton
David Dalton