God of the living,
through baptism we pass from the shadow of death
to the light of the resurrection.
Remain with us and give us hope
that, rejoicing in the gift of the Spirit
who gives life to our mortal flesh,
we may be clothed with the garment of immortality,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
through baptism we pass from the shadow of death
to the light of the resurrection.
Remain with us and give us hope
that, rejoicing in the gift of the Spirit
who gives life to our mortal flesh,
we may be clothed with the garment of immortality,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
God of our salvation,
we give you thanks for Jesus Christ, our Lord,
who came in your name
and turned the lonely way of rejection and death
into triumph.
Grant us the steadfast faith
to enter the gates of righteousness,
that we may receive grace to become worthy citizens
of your holy realm. Amen.
we give you thanks for Jesus Christ, our Lord,
who came in your name
and turned the lonely way of rejection and death
into triumph.
Grant us the steadfast faith
to enter the gates of righteousness,
that we may receive grace to become worthy citizens
of your holy realm. Amen.
Prayers from the Revised Common Lectionary