Through the waters of oppression and death, Lord God,
you led a people into the burning presence of your love.
As you fed them in the desert,
now feed us with the finest of wheat,
that we may know the liberating power of the paschal feast. Amen.
you led a people into the burning presence of your love.
As you fed them in the desert,
now feed us with the finest of wheat,
that we may know the liberating power of the paschal feast. Amen.
God of freedom,
you brought your people out of slavery with a mighty hand.
Deliver us from our captivity to pride
and indifference to the needs and gifts of others,
that we may be ready to love as you have loved us,
and to give even as we have received. Amen.
you brought your people out of slavery with a mighty hand.
Deliver us from our captivity to pride
and indifference to the needs and gifts of others,
that we may be ready to love as you have loved us,
and to give even as we have received. Amen.
Prayers from the Revised Common Lectionary