O Holy God of Israel,
you faithfully keep the promises
you made to our ancestors
and lead your people into the future,
providing hospitality on the way.
Help us who inherit the pilgrim life
to journey faithfully at your command,
that we may be a band of disciples
called to be sojourners in your service. Amen.
you faithfully keep the promises
you made to our ancestors
and lead your people into the future,
providing hospitality on the way.
Help us who inherit the pilgrim life
to journey faithfully at your command,
that we may be a band of disciples
called to be sojourners in your service. Amen.
Your steadfast love endures from age to age, O living God,
for in Christ you tenderly care for your people.
Instruct us in your way of humble service,
that we may imitate his saving deeds
who humbled himself for our salvation
and is now exalted with you in splendor
for ever and ever. Amen.
for in Christ you tenderly care for your people.
Instruct us in your way of humble service,
that we may imitate his saving deeds
who humbled himself for our salvation
and is now exalted with you in splendor
for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayers from the Revised Common Lectionary