God of power and justice,
like Jeremiah you weep over those
who wander from you,
turn aside to other gods,
and enter into chaos and destruction.
By your tears and through your mercy,
teach us your ways
and write them on our hearts
so that we may follow faithfully
the path you show us. Amen.
like Jeremiah you weep over those
who wander from you,
turn aside to other gods,
and enter into chaos and destruction.
By your tears and through your mercy,
teach us your ways
and write them on our hearts
so that we may follow faithfully
the path you show us. Amen.
God of majestic glory,
in humility you have revealed yourself
in the incarnation of your Son, Jesus Christ,
who took the lowest place among us
that we might be raised to the heights of divinity.
Teach us to walk the path he prepared for us,
so that we might take a place at the table with all who seek the joy of his kingdom. Amen.
in humility you have revealed yourself
in the incarnation of your Son, Jesus Christ,
who took the lowest place among us
that we might be raised to the heights of divinity.
Teach us to walk the path he prepared for us,
so that we might take a place at the table with all who seek the joy of his kingdom. Amen.
Prayers from the Revised Common Lectionary